Friday, March 16, 2007

My Third Interaction

Jill comes into the ER while I am working at 2 AM. I am going into my 21st hour on shift. I am extremely tired and trying my best to continue to be the nice, pleasant, and helping nurse. However, when I come into contact with Jill I am somewhat taken aback because she is in really bad condition and she has a personality I have never come into contact with before. We began talking and she opens my eyes to many new things.

My Second Interaction

The second interaction I have is with Brigget. As I am leaving for work one morning, locking up my front door, she introduces herself to me. She is my new next door neighbor who is curious to understand the community we have just moved to and she is in search of friends, both of which are just like me.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My First Interaction

The first peson I am going to interact with in the town is going to be, Neil Bigsby. I have moved from Ocilla, GA to work at the hospital in this particular town. The first day I arrive, I go to work and meet Neil. I was down in the cafeteria getting my lunch and I acidentally bumped into him with my tray. From this, a conversation was struck up. He is a nurse who only works three floors beneath me in the hospital.