Friday, March 2, 2007

My First Interaction

The first peson I am going to interact with in the town is going to be, Neil Bigsby. I have moved from Ocilla, GA to work at the hospital in this particular town. The first day I arrive, I go to work and meet Neil. I was down in the cafeteria getting my lunch and I acidentally bumped into him with my tray. From this, a conversation was struck up. He is a nurse who only works three floors beneath me in the hospital.


Paperdoll said...

Hey, I'm Jill and I crashed on my street bike today at 2 in the morning;and I broke her left arm. In the ER I met you, who is already shocked by society, was almost terrified when you saw my flaming red hair.

Anonymous said...

Lizzie sue tells me about what she thinks about the town. She is new to the hospital. she knows that the hospital needs people to work so she is just trying to help. That is exactly what I'm trying to do, help people. We introduce ourselves to eachother, have a brief conversation about backgrounds and then part ways.